Spice up your winter

Now it’s cold, it’s time to use more warming spices in your food and drink. Here’s a quick guide to some that you can use regularly.

  • Cardamoms aid digestion, and is an expectorant so helps open the respiratory passages.
  • Cloves also improve digestion and have anti-microbial properties.
  • Cinnamon helps to dry dampness in the body and is great if you’re always cold, or suffer from poor circulation. It’s also an antiseptic and an excellent digestive tonic.
  • Ginger is an antiseptic too and a natural antioxidant. It improves circulation, and has anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties, so it’s great for both colds and joint pain.

(NB: If you’re someone who overheats easily, then avoid warming herbs, as you need different herbal solutions.)

Winter warmer drink


4 cups water, or water mixed with apple juice
3 slices fresh ginger, cut to the thickness of a pound coin
3 cardamom pods
1 half-inch piece of cinnamon stick
1  organic unwaxed orange or lemon rind
2 cloves
Pinch of black pepper

Bring the water, or water-apple juice mixture, to the boil in a pan, add the spices and gently simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from the heat, add the citrus peel and steep for 5 to 15 minutes. Strain and drink twice a day.

To help stay healthy this winter, book an appointment with naturopath and herbalist  Lloyd Gee at Shine Holistic.

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