Runner’s Knee

Runner’s Knee

This is a term used to cover a range of disorders that can affect the knee, which can be caused by running but also by jumping, bending, cycling and lunging. Overuse can cause stress to the joint. Knee damage can also be the result of having weak thigh muscles, thus putting the stress of exertion on to the knee, but it can also be due to having hypermobility in the feet, having high arches or being flat footed. If you have an injury that causes a strong blow to the knee such as a bad tackle, this could also cause runners knee.

The pain of Runners knee can usually be felt all around the knee where the Femur, the large thigh bone meets the knee cap. Symptoms may include pain when weight bearing and bending the knee, it may be worse when going downstairs, swelling, you may also experience a popping or grinding sensation.

It is important to get your knee checked out before the condition gets worse. Do try and rest as much as possible and stop doing the activities that aggravate the symptoms. Applying the RICE method may help in the acute phase. It is advisable to seek medical advice and/or visit a Physiotherapist. You may need to go and have an X-Ray or and MRI to determine the cause if it is not clear.

Once the cause is identified, or the in balance discovered, you can then begin to re educate your body to build back up to an optimum level once you are out of the painful phase of the injury. There are fantastic stretches and exercises that a professional can advise you on, to gently regain strength and flexibility. You may find a complimentary therapy such as Acupuncture or Sports Massage to be a great way to support the healing process. It is vital that you take things at the pace that your knee is comfortable with, not the pace that your mind wants. Listen to the body, to heal in the best possible way.