The gentle power of Craniosacral Therapy (CST)
CST is a therapy that is widely misunderstood, except by those who have actually experienced it for themselves. If you have ever wondered just what CST achieves and if it could help you, then this is your chance to discover more about its deep but gentle healing powers.
I have worked as a bodywork therapist for nearly 20 years, but it was not until I had personal experience of CST that I came to fully appreciate its powerful healing effects. A few years ago I received CST treatment and its effect was like nothing I had ever experienced before. When my son was born prematurely, and suffered a number of resulting health conditions, I turned readily to CST and the treatment helped him to fully recover. I became an unabashed convert: I was blown away, as were a few of my professional cobwebs. I decided to study CST, and perfect my ability to use the treatment. Now, in 2015, I share my love and knowledge of CST as part of my offer at Shine.
Its holistic approach infuses every treatment I offer. It has deepened my understanding of health and empowered my practice.My treatments are now completely oriented to the wholeness of the individual, and each one aims to address symptoms by promoting physical, psychological and emotional wellbeing.
What is CST?
CST is a subtle therapy, but can deliver clear and long lasting benefits. It doesn’t involve any of the immediately noticeable clicks, strong strokes or big and bold movements that characterise other treatments. What it lacks in theatre, however, it makes up for in performance and effect.
The gentle, hands-on treatment works to enhance and facilitate the your underlying health, rather than solely focusing on your symptoms. It helps to improve your quality of life by freeing you from the effects of low energy, anxiety, chronic pain or recurring illness.
CST enables the body to make changes from the ‘inside out’. To do this it first deeply relaxes the body, which slows down the nervous system, and activates our ‘rest and repair’ setting. In this restorative state the body’s innate intelligence can begin to make the changes it needs. Healing is not enforced – instead the body is allowed to achieve a state that allows self-healing.
Who is CST for?
CST is suitable for people of all ages, from new born babies to the elderly. There are not many of us who would disagree that our bodies need a little space for healing, and so CST can help people in almost any condition.
In particular if your body has had to cope with shock, long-term stress or illness, then CST is for you. In such situations the body’s neutral state in which healing is promoted becomes compromised. The gentle touch of CST interacts with the body’s subtle craniosacral rhythms and, in doing so, restores the body’s capacity for self-repair. CST resolves tension patterns and restores balance: it promotes natural health.
What can CST treat?
You don’t have to be ill or suffer from a specific condition to benefit from CST but there are some specific conditions that it is perfectly suited to healing.
It is used to treat migraines, sinusitis, tinnitus, panic attacks and irritable bowel symptoms, as well as back and joint problems, the experience of chronic pain, effects of chronic fatigue and various stress-related symptoms.
CST for mothers, babies and children
During pregnancy women’s bodies undergo enormous changes very swiftly. Needless to say this is true of birth and the post natal experience too. CST helps women to address the physical and emotional issues of these times.
During pregnancy, CST can treat nausea, sciatica, symphysis pubis disorder (SPD), tiredness, aches, pains and it can reduce discomfort and resolve restrictions in the pelvis as the body prepares for birth.
Similarly, after birth CST can help the body, and particularly the pelvis, to return to its pre-birth state. This can be especially beneficial after Caesarean or difficult births, as the pelvis may not have gone through its full cycle of opening and closing.
CST helps many babies who have experienced a long or difficult birth. It can also offer solutions to babies who are sleeping poorly, crying excessively, not feeding well or suffering from colic, reflux, constipation or diarrhoea.
For toddlers CST can intervene gently and powerfully to address issues both physical, social and psychological. These may include sleeping problems, poor socialisation, developmental issues, hearing problems, difficulty recovering from accidents, injuries or operations, poor coordination and many other things besides. The benefits of CST can also offer effective treatments as children get older.
CST connects
CST uses touch to connect. Its gentle way helps to bring people into a state of deep relaxation where they can connect once more with their bodies, and their bodies can restore the innate capacity for creating and promoting health within.
But don’t just take my word for it. As I found out its healing powers have to be truly felt to be believed.