Emotional Freedom Technique
Improve Your Emotional Health at Shine North London with Marian Fixler.
The emotional freedom technique (EFT) is a gentle therapy that empowers you to improve your emotional health.
Developed in the United States in the 1990s, it considers that many chronic conditions are caused by negative emotions blocking the body’s energy flows. It’s been used to manage stress, panic attacks, phobias, insomnia and other anxiety related issues.
During the sessions you’re taught to tap specific points along your energy channels – known as meridians - in order to re-establish healthy flows and restore balance.
As it doesn’t require the therapist to explore your psychological history in great detail, EFT isn’t usually emotionally painful. You remain clothed and seated throughout.
To find out more, you can email Marian directly here.
Book An EFT Appointment at Shine North London
If you would like to book an Emotional Therapy session, or would like advice on any of the services we provide please call and speak to a member of our professional and friendly team on 020 7241 5033.