Marian Fixler

sh_health_acupuncture4_280Marian has been in practice since 1991. She is an experienced acupuncturist and a member of the British Acupuncture Council. A large part of her work is in the area of pre-conceptual care and pregnancy support and she treats children of all ages from babies upwards. Marian also works with patients with a wide range of other health problems including musculo-skeletal and painful conditions for which acupuncture is known to be effective.

Although Marian completed her initial training in Traditional Chinese Medicine, her further training in Japanese acupuncture systems enables her to offer a wide range of approaches to suit each person. Japanese acupuncture is both gentle and dynamic and is well tolerated even by those people who are nervous of needles.

Japanese acupuncture uses very fine needles. A hands on approach to treatment, allows Marian to monitor changes during the session and adjust the treatment accordingly. Some changes can also be experienced during the session. A versatile range of treatment options are tailored to the needs of the individual, focusing on the root cause of the presenting condition, both physical and emotional and the manifesting symptoms.

sh_health_acupuncture2_280Shonishin acupuncture for babies and young children is a non-invasive technique that involves stimulating the meridians using stroking and light tapping with specialized acupuncture tools. Marian also teaches Shonishin techniques to parents so that they can reinforce the treatment at home.

After qualifying in the UK, Marian completed intensive clinical training in a teaching hospital in Nanjing, China. She completed further training in Japanese acupuncture in the UK, the Netherlands and in Japan. Having taught for over a decade as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Westminster, she currently teaches and organizes courses for practitioners in the UK and the Netherlands.

In addition to her private practice, Marian has worked for many years with the NHS in a GP practice. She has published numerous articles in acupuncture professional journals and has had her research published.

 She is a member of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) and an active member of ACT London (Acupuncture Childbirth Team). She is president of the UK branch of the Toyohari (Japanese Acupuncture) Association.

Marian is also an Accredited Advanced Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner. Her accreditation comes through the AAMET (Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Techniques), the EFT professional body of which she is a member.

What to expect from treatment:
 At the first consultation, Marian will take a full history of your current and past health history. As part of the diagnosis, she will check your pulse and abdomen and look at your tongue. You will also receive an acupuncture treatment at this first session.

Acupuncture    EFT
Marian’s blogs Acupuncure for Pregnancy  Hay Fever
Marian’s web-site

My Reviews
Salon Review
Sholée Parry
I was recommended by one of my PT clients who was treated by Marian and they spoke highly of Marian's treatment. I had, stress, 'had' an inflamed achilles tendon for 8¹/² months. I spent endless time, effort and money on oestopathy. Still in severe pain. I saw Marian only for four sessions and I'm totally cured. I never thought I'd be able to exercise or walk or teach spin again. I'm absolutely thrilled to have seen Marian. She's one in a million
Salon Review
Lillian Bond
I saw Marian Fixler for acupuncture throughout my pregnancy. I was new to acupuncture, and I can not imagine a better introduction. Marian's practice, her calm demeanour and her thoughtful advice on a range of topics related to pregnancy really helped me to refocus during what was otherwise a stressful period of time. She offered practical solutions (that worked!) for many of my pregnancy symptoms, including nausea, indigestion, muscle tightness and lower back pain. In addition to acupuncture, Marian introduced me to intentional tapping (to help work through some residual stress I had from my first pregnancy and delivery). I was new to the practice, but I found it incredibly helpful during my pregnancy and ended up tap tapping away during my contractions -- I think it made a real difference. In the time of COVID, I think it is also worth mentioning the space that Marian has created at Shine. The whole team at Shine follows very careful protocols, and Marian's top floor space benefits from beautiful natural light from large windows. Despite the Church Street location, the room is quiet and peaceful and during our sessions I enjoyed hearing the movement of the trees in Abney Park. I can't say enough good things about my experience with Marian and Shine. I look forward to working with her going forward.
Salon Review
Felicity Evans
Can’t recommend Marian Fixler enough! I have received acupuncture from her to help me cope with a difficult time in my life and she has helped me unbelievable amounts! She also ran a group tapping session which was really powerful and gave me a tool to use daily to cope with general anxiety. Will definitely continue to see her!
Thanks Felicity, will pass on your kind words
Salon Review
Alison Poltock
I’ve been seeing Marian Fixler for acupuncture for some time and credit her completely with stabilising my health issues. I’ve not had much experience with complimentary therapies and would not have continued if I hadn’t been able to see/feel for myself the impact her treatments had on me. After years of ill health, I gave birth to a beautiful daughter in my mid 40s and Marian has since treated her too. Recently Marian ran a Tapping course which I decided to join. It was amazing how something so simple as tapping on key points on your body can have such a profound impact. I attended in the hope of managing some of my stress responses and ended up getting so so much more from it. It’s so easy, and once learnt you can utilise it whenever needed. I can’t believe that something so simple could be so powerful and I’m hugely grateful to Marian for introducing me to it. Thank you.
Thanks Alison.
