Integrative Tissue Release

Visit The Integrative Tissue Release Experts in North London at Shine, Stoke Newington 

This integrative massage therapy combines components of Deep Tissue Massage, Myofascial Release and Craniosacral Therapy techniques.

It benefits from an augmented sensitivity of the practitioner -developed in Craniosacral Therapy- to feel soft tissue behaviour at various levels (from superficial to deep) with high accuracy and clarity.

At this deeper level of bodywork, the therapist -while working on a specific area of tension- can follow and treat distant knots and tissue patterns. Myofascial release occurs almost spontaneously as these tense areas respond in a systemic way to the massage.

When applying Deep Tissue Massage signature’s approach -based on firm pressure and slow movements- and combining it with this profound way of listening, the release of deep held tensions take place in a holistic and effective way.

Available with Alfredo Hunter

Expert Integrative Tissue Release services near me

Stoke Newington

Newington Green




North London