
Natural Therapies at Shine Stoke Newington

Naturopathy uses the healing power of nature to promote your body’s self-healing mechanism. It is a practice of preventing, assessing and treating conditions of the human body and mind. By integrating a range of natural therapies and traditional medicines. Naturopathy treats your physical, mental and emotional states for a lasting effect. A Naturopath is trained to employ safe and effective natural therapies that will support and stimulate the healing power of nature in the least invasive and most efficient manner possible.

What does a Naturopath do?

Naturopaths use a range of methods to assist in the healing process which may include herbal medicine, nutrition, diet and lifestyle recommendations, vitamins and minerals, homeopathy, bio-energetic treatment and pulse and tongue analysis. A Naturopath aims to educate, empower and motivate the patient to gain more control over his or her health.

They do not simply treat the manifestation of a disease and its effects but rather search for the cause and treat that. So with this, you gain a different perspective on your health as well as advice, support and treatments for better health.  Naturopathy and Bio-energetic Testing may be combined with Herbal Medicine for excellent results. To find out more ask Lloyd via email.

Asyra pro test - detecting food intolerances 

The Asyra Pro is the most advanced bio-energetic screening system available today. The Asyra tests the response of the client against a wide variety of test signatures that include; 

  • Meridian points relating to internal organs
  • Food preferences
  • Environmental contaminants
  • Nutritional factors
  • Toxins
  • Emotional patterns 

What's more, it also imprints a remedy that helps the body bring itself back to balance.

Nutritional deficiency testing at Shine

The Asyra can detect food intolerances and  carry out nutritional deficiency testing, which is best carried out as part of a broader assessment of health and diet such as within a Naturopathic consultation.

People can often use the phrase food allergy as supposed to food intolerance, generally people tend to experience an intolerance. However, a true food allergy would require a blood test and should be sought via a GP or GP referral. Please note that Herbs are not included in the price. 

To book your Naturopathy treatment with Lloyd at our Shine in North London, please call us on 020 7241 5033.