
I started the pre-birth preparational acupuncture with Marian at 36 weeks. I also did preparational acupuncture during my first pregnancy with my son in Berlin and found it very helpful for a natural birth. Seeing Marian was always a very relaxing experience where I could address concerns and problems which arose at that late stage of my pregnancy and which she treated really well.

Particular helpful were the accupressure points my partner used during labour. Marian gave me a booklet with all the useful points and explained me how to use them during labour. It made a huge impact on coping with pain and allowed me to give birth without any painkillers or medical interventions. The birth of my daughter was a truly magical experience and especially feeling very close to my partner in actively helping me cope with pain made it an even more special experience in my life. I can highly recommend Marians treatment to every expectant mum.