Common Back Conditions
Lower back pain
Lower back pain is extremely common in all ages, however the cause of the condition can vary greatly. The severity of pain may also range from a mild discomfort from disc degeneration to spasmodic muscles that can be agonising to deal with. The lower back is an intricate structure made up of many muscles, tendons, nerves and joints, all of which need their space and supply of nutrients to work well. Many conditions can refer pain to all different parts of the body, others may simply feel like lack of mobility, stiffness or dull pain. Identifying the cause of your discomfort is key to determining the appropriate treatment.
Neck Pain
Neck Pain is most commonly caused by muscle strain, poor posture, desk work with the phone crooked between ear and shoulder or from a sudden jerking motion. With gentle exercises, stretches, an improved range of postural habits and regular treatments ,this can usually help to ease symptoms of the problem.
If your neck pain continues however and is accompanied by numbness or pain that leads down to the arm, there may be a specific condition that needs to be identified. It would be advisable to seek medical advice regarding Cervical Stenosis, Cervical Herniated Disc or Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease.
Also you can look to our Headache Clinic for more information and support.
Arthritis of the Spine may be termed as Facet Joint Osteoarthritis, or Degenerative Arthritis. The deterioration of the cartilage between the joints leads to stiffened and painful mobility.
Ankylosing spondylitis
Is a long-term condition that causes pain and stiffness where the spine meets the pelvis.
Chronic widespread pain, debilitating fatique and a heightened sensitivity to pressure. People with Fybromyalgia can also suffer with trouble sleeping, concentrating (Fibro – fog), headaches, morning stiffness and painful menstrual cycles. Depression and anxiety is often associated with Fybromyalgia.
Slipped/Herniated/Prolapsed/Bulging disc
There are many names given to describe a slipped disc. Essentially when one of the discs that lay between each vertebrae of the spine is damaged, it may “slip” out of place, the outer case splits on a side which then secretes the inner gel that resides inside, giving it a bulging effect. The misalignment of the disc can cause pressure on the nerves, resulting in numbness, tingling, pain and can often lead to Sciatica.
From the Greek for “porous bones”, Osteoporosis is a progressive bone disease characterised by a loss in bone mineral density (BDM), which can lead to a higher risk of fracture and an increased chance to develop a Dowagers Hump.
The Sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body, it begins at the back of the Pelvis, it runs through the buttocks and down both legs to the feet. Sciatica can feel like cramp, pins and needles or a shooting pain down the affected leg. It is a symptom of a few possible conditions resulting in a “pinched nerve” either inside or outside of the spinal canal as it leads to the leg.
A herniated or slipped disc that causes pressure on a nerve root is the most common cause.
Other causes include Piriformis Syndrome, the spasming of the small deep buttock muscle, Spinal Stenosis, a narrowing of the spinal canal which pressurises the nerves and Spondylothesis, which is the slipping out of alignment of a vertebrae above the next which narrows the exit through which the nerve wishes to pass.
Recommended treatment depends upon the cause and the most problematic symptoms. It is imperative that you seek immediate medical help if you feel at risk of having seriously injured yourself.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]